It takes a lot of skill and understanding to sharpen hairdressing scissors or barber shears and is best left to the experts. For tips to keeping your scissors sharper for longerclick here
Can blade runner sharpen my scissors?
We sharpen any grooming scissors from standard bevel edge scissors, to high end convex scissors. We understand how they all work and how to best recondition your scissors to restore that fresh factory finish.
my scissors have been ruined by another sharpener, what can i do?
If unfortunately you have come across one of the more infamous companies or individuals in the industry, please do not judge us on their bad work. Luckily our skilled sharpener can rectify most mistakes made, as long as the steel is not fractured we can restore your scissors to there former glory.
can my scissors be sharpened more than once?
Yes. Here at Blade Runner we remove the minimal amount of steel from your scissors to restore a perfectly sharp and even edge, dramatically increasing the life of your cutting equipment.
i've dropped my scissors, can you help?
We can remove any chips or folds from dropped scissors. We can even help if you tip has snapped. Blade Runner aim to fix every problem you face when it comes to your scissors. just click here to see if we can help.
can you sharpen joewell scissors?
We sharpen Kasho scissors, we sharpen Jaguar scissors, we sharpen Joewell scissors, We sharpen all brands of scissors. The brand becomes irrelevant when we talk about sharpening, all we are concerned with is the steel, angle, and quality of the finish. We love your scissors no matter what the cost.
do you sharpen japanese convex scissors?
Yes, and we do it properly! You wont end up with scissors that have had a bevelled edge simply ground into them.
what equipment do you use to sharpen my scissors?
We use top of the line equipment imported from America. All our work is hand sharpened on the Hira-to sharpening system. This is a flat hone machine using the finest microfilm abrasives. Your scissors are then finished with 20,000 grit diamond polishing paste and 16,000 grit ceramic Japanese whet stones.
how often should i get my scissors sharpened?
There is no rule to this! A lot of daily factors impact the lifespan of your scissors for example; dry cutting will blunt your scissors quicker than wet cutting, how well you clean and maintain your scissors, and the strength of the steel your scissors are made from all play a big role in how often you will need to get your scissors sharpened. As a rough estimate we suggest between 6 and 12 months, without them being damaged or dropped.
do i need to get my scissors sharpened?
For a better cutting performance, we recommend sharpening your scissors professionally with a reputable scissor sharpening company like ourselves. Saving you money and the hassle of having to adjust to a new pair of scissors every year.
what are the benifits of having sharp scissors?
Reduced cutting time and time is money! Less stress on hands and joints. Reduced risk of suffering from repetitive strain injury. Increases your clients comfort for a better experience.